The Renters and Housing Union stands in staunch solidarity with public housing tower residents.

Last week, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of Feb, RAHU members stood in solidarity with public housing residents over the final days of the class action trial against the Victorian Government.

Led by public housing tenant Barry Berih, and represented by Inner Melbourne Community Legal, residents argued, rightfully, that Homes Victoria did not properly consult or consider their human rights before announcing plans to demolish the 44 remaining public housing flats in Victoria by 2050.

Long-term residents of these estates have built communities of friends and family, and have often had their homes retrofitted to suit their needs. Inner Melbourne Community Legal argues that not enough time has been taken by Mr Newport to weigh up the retrofitting versus demolition argument. The trial outcome is expected to be announced in the coming months.

The Renters and Housing Union calls upon the Victorian State Government to:

  • halt the impending evictions of these public housing residents,
  • retrofit and refurbish all public housing towers scheduled for demolition, and
  • build new public housing in favour of privately owned “socially affordable housing” wherever possible.

Quotes attributable Renters and Housing Union member, and Inner North-West renter Paul R

“We are in the middle of a housing crisis, and it’s now, more than ever, that we need public housing. This would dramatically combat homelessness and rental stress.”

“Their homes are being interfered with, they are losing security of tenure, and their communities are being uprooted.”

Quotes attributable to Renters and Housing Union member, and renter Willow Hutton

“Homes Victoria have been keeping residents in the dark.” 

“Right from the announcement and throughout the so-called “consultation process”, where they’ve been pushing a clear agenda for privatising and outsourcing public housing.”

You can read more about the issue and and

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0437 227 463
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You can download this statement here (157KB PDF)

Are you a RAHU member who lives in Public Housing? Make your voice heard!
Contact the RAHU Public Housing Committee at [email protected]

stylised image of a public housing tower

Image credit: Renters and Housing Union