What is a RAHU Committee?
In the Renters And Housing Union, Committees are the official bodies that organise around and act on specific topics for the benefit of the union. For example the Social Media Committee is a group of members who help run the social media accounts of the union.
Committees are made up of a Committee Chair (elected by the union or committee depending on the nature of the committee) and members of the committee who make take up various tasks and roles.
Committees run on a volunteer (unwaged) basis, but they may request budgets needed to do the work.
What does Committee Chair do?
A Committee Chair is considered an Officer Bearer for the union and is responsible for the healthy running of their committee, meaning that the work that needs to be done is known by members, and that it is delegated appropriately. Chairs must make sure that enough members are helping out to keep the work reasonable and achievable and may be required to contact interested members to on-board them into the committee to help out.
Chairs must hold regular meetings for their committee and report once a month to the Governing Committee on the activities and health of their committee. The Governing Committee is run by the Secretary of the union and oversees all other committees.
Due to the expectation of minimum hours for chairs on a weekly basis, the union has elected to offer Committee Chairs $600 a month for an expected minimum time put in of 6 hours per week of work.
To be eligible for election a chair must be a member in good standing (paid appropriate dues) and cannot be a home owning solidarity member.
How do I join a Committee?
A current list of committees are kept here – you can get involved by emailing the Chair, or joining our members only Discord server and jumping in one of the committee chats: