Hello 2024

The earth makes another turn, and we still have a huge number of homeless and rough sleepers, massive rent hikes and criminally poor conditions for many of the houses we call homes in Australia – a wealthy country that can absolutely afford to do better.
As ever the blame cannot be diverted from those in power who continue to uphold the capitalist ideals who keep people in poverty, no matter how much they would prefer to blame immigrants, or other distractions.
Looking back for a moment, 2023 was an important year for us from welcoming member orgs – being the Health and Community Services Union and the Black Peoples Union – to welcoming our South Australian Branch. We pushed back against the demolition of Barak Beacon, called for housing justice at rallies and much more.
Our membership has grown by 495 in these past 12 months and we’ve continued to support countless members self advocate, uphold their rights, and fight off rent increases, but there is so much more to do.
The need for a renters union has never been stronger, and as a union, being organised and unapologetic in our push for housing justice is paramount.
As the recently elected Secretary I am proud to be part of such a fantastic union, and excited for our fresh team of office bearers to raise it to new heights.
In union
Harry Millward, RAHU Secretary