The following resources are Victorian and private rental specific.
- Evictions
- Rent Increases
- Repairs
- End of Lease and Bond
- Third Party Payment Apps
- Homelessness & Crisis Support
- Printable Info Sheet (Arabic)
- Printable Info Sheet (English)
- Printable Info Sheet (Greek)
- Printable Info Sheet (Italian)
- Printable Info Sheet (Nepali)
- Printable Info Sheet (Turkish)
- Printable Info Sheet (Urdu)
If you want to help our volunteer team create resources for other states, in other forms of housing, or in other languages please send an email to [email protected].
If you’re having issues with your landlord, just want to know more about your rights, our Branch Delegates and Renters Rights Team are available to provide further information and support.
The Renters Rights Committee is made up of members of the union who volunteer our time to give advice on our rights as renters. Support is an act of solidarity by rank and file members. We are not lawyers and this is not a service.
You must join RAHU and be a financial member in order to enquire with the Renters Rights Committee as we only have capacity to support members at this time. We can help new members with existing issues within reason, but for issues outside of our capacity another service may be more appropriate.
PLEASE NOTE: Our Volunteer team are here to support members with self advocacy, advise on renters rights, and check rent increases. They are NOT emergency support, lawyers, or punching bags.
If you require urgent legal advice, try doing a websearch for legal advice, and your location, eg “legal advice Surf Coast“. Some helpful links to Legal Aid services are below:
Tenants Queensland or
Legal Aid QLD
Tenants Union of New South Wales or
Legal Aid NSW
Tenants Victoria or
Legal Aid Vic
Tenants Union of Tasmania or
Legal Aid Tas
RentRight SA or
Legal Services Commission SA
Circle Green Community Legal or
Legal Aid WA
Darwin Community Legal Service or
Legal Aid NT
The best way to protect our rights as renters long term is by being a member of the Union.
Join the Renters And Housing Union here
If you have received a notice to vacate, contact us for advice.
We’re a volunteer run member Union and can only provide support to our members.