Read RAHU’s Submission on proposed changes to Minimum Rental Standards

In June 2024, RAHU contributed a written submission to the Victorian Labor government’s Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses. The state government opened for submissions relating to the new minimum energy efficiency and safety standards proposed for rental […]

Temporary closure to new Renters Rights tickets.

Our volunteer Renters Rights Committee (RRC) assists renters every day to know their rights, take appropriate actions to protect them selves from unscrupulous landlords and agents, and support renters to self advocate. Last week we discovered a glitch in our […]

Understanding Australia and its relationship with property investment.

The current housing crisis we are facing is one of the biggest we’ve seen in generations. Homelessness is almost at great depression era heights and no doubt will continue to spike before it reduces, It would be a fair comment to say this government and successive governments have failed to foresee this potential recipe for disaster as a subsequent result of short-sighted policies and excess indulgence on the whole concept of investment property wealth in Australia.

Hello 2024

The earth makes another turn, and we still have a huge number of homeless and rough sleepers, massive rent hikes and criminally poor conditions for many of the houses we call homes in Australia – a wealthy country that can […]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 22nd September, 2023 This article is in response to Labor’s Housing Package, which can be found here. RAHU supports the principles of protecting renters’ rights. The principles of this proposal take some positive steps toward this. However, […]


HAFF’s Unclear Path On the 11th of September, the Greens announced that with an extra $1,000,000,000 of ‘direct investment’ into social housing – The Social Housing Accelerator – they would support Labor’s ‘Housing Australia Future Fund’ (HAFF). Labor’s HAFF will […]

Community occupies public housing estate slated for demolition.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 8 July, 2023 RAHU would like to make a statement of unconditional support for the Save Barak Beacon campaign. Below is the unedited media statement released by the group. Activists have taken up residence in the disused homes […]

Portugal’s Public Housing and rent reform

Report from International Union of Tenants World Conference, Lisbon, Portugal Eirene Tsolidis Noyce – April 2023 During the International Union of Tenants World Conference, delegates were provided the opportunity to visit one of Lisbon’s newest public housing projects. This project […]

Report from the IUT World Conference

RAHU attended our first world Congress of the International Union of Tenants in Lisbon Portugal, as a new member of the IUT. I was honoured to be able to attend as an international Delegate, and speak on a panel about our organisation, and our challenges in the Australian housing crisis.